I am not able to create a sub-merchant account in Braintree with the business address outside US. I am using the Braintree sandbox account and PHP SDK. I have successfully created a master merchant account. When I try to create sub-merchant account with the Australian business address, Braintree responds with below error:
Individual region is invalid.
However, I am able to create sub-merchant account if I use the US address similar to that mentioned in Braintree documentation. Documentation url: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/braintree-marketplace/onboarding/php
My address parameters:
'business' => [
'legalName' => 'Jane\'s Ladders',
'dbaName' => 'Jane\'s Ladders',
'taxId' => '98-7654321',
'address' => [
'streetAddress' => '6 10 Smith Street',
'locality' => 'NEUTRAL BAY',
'region' => 'NSW',
'postalCode' => '02055'
Can't I use address outside the US to create sub-merchant account?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
You cannot use sub-merchants outside the US. From the Braintree developer documentation:
Both the master merchant and sub-merchants must be domiciled in the US and receive funding in USD