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rgl package - cube within a cube

I'm trying to create a rectangular prism within a cube. I need the cube to have dimensions of 1x1x1 units, with an origin at 0,0,0. The rectangle within the cube would ideally start at the origin and then pull from a vector variable to get its XYZ dimensions. The rectangular prism can only have positive values that range from 0 to 1, which is why I only want to show positive values instead of what seems to be the default for cube3d of showing -1 to 1 in all dimensions around the origin.

Can someone point me in the right direction as to how to make this work?

Data example:

Augusta = c(0.4, 0.2, 0.8)

The code I currently have (pulled from stackoverflow) -

c3d <- cube3d(color="red", alpha=0.5)  
rgl.viewpoint(theta = 45, phi = 25, fov = 60, zoom = 1)  

Can I adapt this function to suit my needs? If so, what would the method look like? If this isn't the right function, what would you suggest?

Another potential method I found, but which would require a different input and would therefore not be preferred, is described here


  •  #Data example 
     Nominal_City_Name = c(0.7,0.2,0.5)
     X = Nominal_City_Name[1]
     Y = Nominal_City_Name[2]
     Z = Nominal_City_Name[3]
     #Bring in RGL library
     #Contributor cuttlefish44's code
     c3d <- cube3d(color="grey", alpha=0.1)  
     c3d2 <- c3d %>% 
       translate3d(1, 1, 1) %>% 
       scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     c3d3 <- cube3d(color = "blue", alpha = (0.5)) %>% 
       translate3d(1, 1, 1) %>% 
       scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) %>% 
       scale3d(X, Z, Y)
     # Add points at vertices
     points3d(t(c3d3$vb), size = 5)
     # Add lines to edges of box
     for (i in 1:6) lines3d(t(c3d3$vb)[c3d3$ib[,i],])
     #------------Add labels/title to 3d window-------
     # This version of title (commented out) doesn't work as well as the 
     # bgplot3d() version now included in output section below.  
     # Use this title3d() version if you want the title to be dynamic to 
     # the graphic.     
     #Title_XYZ = paste0(stakeholder," ","X, Y, Z")
     #title3d(main =Title_XYZ,cex = 2, line = 2)
     mtext3d("X Var",edge="x-+",line=2,las=2,cex=2,srt = 50,col = 
     mtext3d("Y Var",edge="z+-",line=2.5,las=2,cex=2, col = 
               "chartreuse4", srt = 90)
     mtext3d("Z Var",edge="y-+",line=3,las=2,cex=2, col = 
     #-------Create output file-------
     #This section first sets the window view parameters and window size 
     # to what I want it to be.  Then it exports to a location you choose.
     # After dynamically moving it to look the way you want in 3d view - 
     # Use par3d() to get view attributes (i.e., windowRect (window size) 
     # info), among other measurements.  Theta, phi, fov, and zoom give 
     # angles, field of vision, and zoom.
     rgl.viewpoint(theta = 45, phi = 4, fov = 60, zoom = 1)
     window_size = c(164,32,1259,1050)
     par3d(windowRect = window_size)
     #Adding title using a background plot.  This must be done AFTER 
     #resizing the window, because it doesn't scale gracefully.
     Title_XYZ = "This is your title"
     bgplot3d( +
         title(main = Title_XYZ, line = -10,cex.main=3))
            #a = folder, b = stakeholder name, c = file extension, d = concat      of 
       #all 3 for export
       # a = "C:\\Users\\MyUserName\\Documents\\R\\export"
       # b = Title_XYZ
       # c=".jpg"
       # d = paste0(a,b,c)
       # rgl.snapshot(d)