This may seem as a simple question, but I've been at it for days!
I'm trying to add external forms of JS to my spree app.
I've tried adding them in ass links, but they get rejected, because it's not over https
I've tried copying the code and pasting it to files, that are inside the /app/assets/stylesheets/store/ folder
I've tried adding all the code (to test it out) into the all.js file
but all methodes have failed.
Can some one explain to me how i can add Tweenmax, Jquery and other forms of JS to my app?
With kind regards,
I've checked numerous pages, as:
Javascript/Jquery not working in Spree
Adding custom cient-side form validations to Spree frontend
To add Custom JS to spree you have to go to config/initializers/assets.rb
and add the following line Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( scripts/script.js )