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Calling an xll UDF from VBA

I would like to call one of my User Defined Function from VBA.

My User Defined Function is declared in C++:

XLOPER12*WINAPI HelloWorld()noexcept{
    static XLOPER12 res=[](){
        static std::array<wchar_t,13>str={
            11,'H','e','l','l','o',' ','W','o','r','l','d','\0'};
        XLOPER12 tmp;
        return tmp;}();
    return &res;}

This is a simplified version of a real function from the field which can either return a String or a double or even arrays. Of course here I am only returning a String but this limit the return type of my UDF to LPXLOPER12.

I can successfully register my function with xlfRegister specifying a pxTypeText of "U$". I can then call my UDF from Excel:


And it works!

If I try to call my function from VBA as suggested here:

Sub macro_test()
    Dim hw As Variant
    hw = Application.Run("D:\Path\MyAddIn.xll!HelloWorld")
End Sub

I get an error message from

Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error

If I try to call my function from VBA as suggested here:

Private Declare PtrSafe Function HelloWorld Lib "C:\Path\MyAddIn.xll" () As Variant

Sub macro_test()
    Dim hw As Variant
    hw = HelloWorld()
End Sub

I get an empty result instead of "Hello World".

What am I doing wrong ?

Miscellaneous pieces of information:

  • Using Excel 2013
  • Using VS 2017 15.5
  • Using the first method (Application.Run), VBA does not call my function (I cannot step into my function with the debugger).
  • Using the second method, VBA calls my function (I can step into my function with the debugger).
  • Using the second method, when I add xlbitDLLFree to my xltype, function xlAutoFree12 is not called, which makes me think that somehow the return value is not understood properly by VBA.


  • If your XLL is loaded and its UDFs are registered so that=HelloWord() in a cell works then you should just be able to call it from VBA like this (unless there is a problem with parameterless string functions)"HelloWorld")

    You can also use Evaluate


    I tested my REVERSE.TEXT XLL function like this and it worked correctly.

    Sub testing()
    Dim var As Variant
    var = Application.Run("REVERSE.TEXT", "Charles")
    var = Application.Evaluate("=REVERSE.TEXT(""Charles"")")
    End Sub

    Reverse.Text is registered using UQQ$ (there are 2 parameters , the Text and the Number of characters)