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Incorrect behavior of Maybe<List<T>> in Room?

I have the following query method definition:

@Query("SELECT * FROM box_jobs")
fun getAll(): Maybe<List<BoxJob>>

I want to return the result of this query if it's not empty or the result of the REST API call otherwise. This is my code for this logic:

override fun loadTasks(): Maybe<List<Task>> {
    Log.d(TAG, "Searching tasks in database")
    return boxJobDao.getAll()
            .map { boxJobs -> boxJobMapper.entityListToTaskList(boxJobs) }

private fun syncTasks(): Maybe<List<Task>> {
    Log.d(TAG, "Loading tasks from server")
    return api.boxJobs(DEVICE_ID)
            .doOnSuccess({ boxJobDtoList ->
                Log.d(TAG, "${boxJobDtoList.size} box jobs loaded from server")
            .doOnError({ error -> Log.d(TAG, "Error during tasks loading", error) })
            .map { boxJobDtoList -> boxJobMapper.dtoListToTaskList(boxJobDtoList) }

The problem is that on empty database Maybe returned by getAll() always calls onSuccess() with empty List<BoxJob>, so switchIfEmpty() operator doesn't work.

I think that this is incorrect behavior. Am I right or am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround for this problem?


  • An empty list seems to be an appropriate result. Even if it might be better to have an empty Maybe instead, you can achieve this easily using filter():

             .filter { !it.isEmpty() }
             .map { boxJobMapper.entityListToTaskList(it) }