I have created a basic application to get company details in SAP ABAP with following details.
I have activated my application and configurations like package, T-Code are also working fine but still when I'm trying to release my transport request I'm getting the below error. Please find the error in image 5 attached below.
I have verified all my configurations but still don't where am I going wrong, still It shows object is inactive. Someone please help me with this.
Your error says, that a REPT-object (= report text) is not active.
In your code you use a frame title TEXT-001
. If you display the program source code via the backend editor (transaction code SE38
), you find this text element via the menu Goto > Text Elements > Text Symbols:
There, you have a button or a menu to activate your text elements.
If you are in the transport (SE01/SE10) you can see all objects in a transport (doubleclick on transport number):
There you can see the different objects of your transport.
If you position on the REPT
-text and enter F4 you get a list of all object types (there are many). Some objects are a container for other objects (PROG is a combination of REPS (source code) and REPT (texts), CLASS includes methods, ...)