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Custom format document option in visual studio. Formatting CSS tags

When i work in VS2008, i use the Ctrl+K+D very often as it saves a lot of time.

But in CSS files, this command formats the document in a way i don't quite like.

For example when i auto format the document,


However, i like to format tags this way, as it is much more easy to read (in my opinion):

{ width:1px;
  height:2px; }

So, are there any way that i can implement this ?

The "Tag specific options" feature seems to be the thing that i need, but i am not quite sure how to do this.



  • OK, after a long while i came up with an acceptable solution;

    copy your css (or upload) to this site and at right, select "High (moderate readability, smaller size)"

    and it will turn your css

        font-weight: bold;
        color: #ff0000;


    .foo { font-weight: bold; color: #ff0000; }

    (in my case, thats the one i wanted, you can select what you like most, there are five presets and other additional choices.)