I am trying to create Azure Databricks service using ARM template via Azure CLI.
When I ran the below command, I am getting below error,
Command to execute:-
az group deployment create --name adb --resource-group palmresourcegroup3 --template-file template.json --parameters parameters.json
malformed string
Refer parameters.json
Refer template.json
If I update your storage account, your template works for me.
"storageAccountName": {
"defaultValue": "[concat('dbstorage', uniqueString(parameters('applianceName'), resourceGroup().id, subscription().id))]",
"type": "string"
You could check the full template file.
Note: Azure Databricks is in preview currently. Please ensure your subscription is enrolled in the preview. You could check on Portal.
If you subscription is not enrolled, click here to submit a request to enroll your subscription.
It is a version issue, when OP update CLI to 2.0.22
. The issue is solved.