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Avoiding the JMP in the JMP CALL POP technique for shellcode NASM?

Even though both the programs abide by relative addressing instructions required for shellcode execution, and both print the desired message on execution, the 2nd Sample fails when used as a shellcode. Can anyone explain the behavior? Strangely a 3rd sample identical to the 1st one fails as well.

Output: Sample 1 Hello World

Other Samples(2&3) print garbage values

Sample 1

global _start
section .text
                jmp widen

                pop rsi
                xor rax,rax
                mov al,1
                mov rdi,rax
                mov rdx,rdi
                add rdx,11
                xor rax,rax
                mov rax,60
                xor rdi,rdi
                call pHworld
                Hworld db "Hello World",0xa

Sample 2

global _start
section .text
                call pHworld
                Hworld db "Hello World",0xa

                pop rsi
                xor rax,rax
                mov al,1
                mov rdi,rax
                mov rdx,rdi
                add rdx,11
                xor rax,rax
                mov rax,60
                xor rdi,rdi

Sample 3

global _start
section .text
                jmp label1

                call pHworld
                Hworld db "Hello World",0xa

                pop rsi
                xor rax,rax
                mov al,1
                mov rdi,rax
                mov rdx,rdi
                add rdx,11
                xor rax,rax
                mov rax,60
                xor rdi,rdi

Unable to rest my curiosity , I tried yet another variation , and this fails (prints garbage values) even though I the objdump does not have any 0x00. Sample 4

global _start
section .text
    pop rsi
    xor rax,rax
    mov al,1
    mov rdi,rax
    mov rdx,rdi
    add rdx,11
    xor rax,rax
    xor rdi,rdi
    mov al,60

    call pHworld
    Hworld db "Hello World", 0xa

    jmp l1
    enter code here

Objdump of sample4

    ./hworld2.s:     file format elf64-x86-64

    Disassembly of section .text:

    0000000000400080 :
      400080:       5e                      pop    rsi
      400081:       48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
      400084:       b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
      400086:       48 89 c7                mov    rdi,rax
      400089:       48 89 fa                mov    rdx,rdi
      40008c:       48 83 c2 0b             add    rdx,0xb
      400090:       0f 05                   syscall 
      400092:       48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
      400095:       48 31 ff                xor    rdi,rdi
      400098:       b0 3c                   mov    al,0x3c
      40009a:       0f 05                   syscall 

    000000000040009c :
      40009c:       e8 df ff ff ff          call   400080 

    00000000004000a1 :
      4000a1:       48                      rex.W
      4000a2:       65                      gs
      4000a3:       6c                      ins    BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
      4000a4:       6c                      ins    BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
      4000a5:       6f                      outs   dx,DWORD PTR ds:[rsi]
      4000a6:       20 57 6f                and    BYTE PTR [rdi+0x6f],dl
      4000a9:       72 6c                   jb     400117 
      4000ab:       64                      fs
      4000ac:       0a eb                   or     ch,bl

    00000000004000ad :
      4000ad:       eb ed                   jmp    40009c 


  • TL;DR : With shellcode you want to avoid encoding 0x00 bytes, otherwise when the code is used as a string for an exploit they will truncated at the first 0x00. This effectively will cut your code short.

    The extra 0x00 bytes don't cause an issue when running outside an exploit because they aren't being converted to strings. The instructions are executed as is like any normal executable.

    The reason for the JMP instruction in the JMP/CALL/POP method is to eliminate the insertion of unwanted 0x00 bytes in the generated code. JMP in 64-bit code has a rel8 and rel32 encoding. In 64-bit code CALL only has a rel32 encoding. This means that if you use CALL in 64-bit code to make a small transfer forward in memory it will be encoded as a 32-bit zero extended target. That zero extension would cause unwanted 0x00 values to be placed in the shell code. In 64-bit code this CALL instruction:

        call next

    Would be encoded as:

    e8 01 00 00 00

    Since the JMP instruction supports rel8 (relative byte displacement) NASM can generate a JMP instruction forward in memory if the target is no more than 127 bytes away (signed byte is -128 to +127). This JMP instruction:

        jmp next

    Would be encoded as:

    eb 01

    So no extra zeroes. You may ask why the CALL instruction in the JMP/CALL/POP method works. The reasoning is that negative values have their sign extended across the upper bytes. Filling the upper bits with 1 will not produce extra 0x00 bytes and so it works. This CALL instruction:

        call prev

    Would be encoded as:

    e8 fb ff ff ff

    Notice that the extra bytes are not 0. This is why calling to a spot earlier in memory can avoid generating zeroes.

    Sample 2

    If we keep the above in mind we only need to examine the generated code for Sample 2 to see where things go wrong. objdump -D ./sample2 -Mintel generates:

    0000000000000000 <_start>:
       0:   e8 0c 00 00 00          call   11 <pHworld>   <---------- Extra zeros
    0000000000000005 <Hworld>:
       5:   48                      rex.W
       6:   65 6c                   gs ins BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
       8:   6c                      ins    BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
       9:   6f                      outs   dx,DWORD PTR ds:[rsi]
       a:   20 57 6f                and    BYTE PTR [rdi+0x6f],dl
       d:   72 6c                   jb     7b <pHworld+0x6a>
       f:   64 0a 5e 48             or     bl,BYTE PTR fs:[rsi+0x48]
    0000000000000011 <pHworld>:
      11:   5e                      pop    rsi
      12:   48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
      15:   b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
      17:   48 89 c7                mov    rdi,rax
      1a:   48 89 fa                mov    rdx,rdi
      1d:   48 83 c2 0b             add    rdx,0xb
      21:   0f 05                   syscall
      23:   48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
      26:   b8 3c 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x3c       <---------- Extra zeros
      2b:   48 31 ff                xor    rdi,rdi
      2e:   0f 05                   syscall

    So we see the issue with the CALL being encoded with extra zeroes which is why you need a traditional JMP/CALL/POP. There is a second issue with mov eax, 60 since it encodes extra bytes. I think you meant to use mov al, 60

    Sample 3

    objdump -D ./sample3 -Mintel generates:

    0000000000000000 <_start>:
       0:   eb 00                   jmp    2 <label1>     <---------- Extra zeros
    0000000000000002 <label1>:
       2:   e8 0c 00 00 00          call   13 <pHworld>   <---------- Extra zeros
    0000000000000007 <Hworld>:
       7:   48                      rex.W
       8:   65 6c                   gs ins BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
       a:   6c                      ins    BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
       b:   6f                      outs   dx,DWORD PTR ds:[rsi]
       c:   20 57 6f                and    BYTE PTR [rdi+0x6f],dl
       f:   72 6c                   jb     7d <pHworld+0x6a>
      11:   64 0a 5e 48             or     bl,BYTE PTR fs:[rsi+0x48]
    0000000000000013 <pHworld>:
      13:   5e                      pop    rsi
      14:   48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
      17:   b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
      19:   48 89 c7                mov    rdi,rax
      1c:   48 89 fa                mov    rdx,rdi
      1f:   48 83 c2 0b             add    rdx,0xb
      23:   0f 05                   syscall
      25:   48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
      28:   b8 3c 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x3c       <---------- Extra zeros
      2d:   48 31 ff                xor    rdi,rdi
      30:   0f 05                   syscall

    Same type of issues as Sample 2.

    Sample 1

    objdump -D ./sample1 -Mintel generates:

    0000000000000000 <_start>:
       0:   eb 1f                   jmp    21 <widen>
    0000000000000002 <pHworld>:
       2:   5e                      pop    rsi
       3:   48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
       6:   b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
       8:   48 89 c7                mov    rdi,rax
       b:   48 89 fa                mov    rdx,rdi
       e:   48 83 c2 0b             add    rdx,0xb
      12:   0f 05                   syscall
      14:   48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
      17:   b8 3c 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x3c       <---------- Extra zeros
      1c:   48 31 ff                xor    rdi,rdi
      1f:   0f 05                   syscall
    0000000000000021 <widen>:
      21:   e8 dc ff ff ff          call   2 <pHworld>
    0000000000000026 <Hworld>:
      26:   48                      rex.W
      27:   65 6c                   gs ins BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
      29:   6c                      ins    BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
      2a:   6f                      outs   dx,DWORD PTR ds:[rsi]
      2b:   20 57 6f                and    BYTE PTR [rdi+0x6f],dl
      2e:   72 6c                   jb     9c <Hworld+0x76>
      30:   64                      fs
      31:   0a                      .byte 0xa

    Although you say sample 1 works, it still has a problem that needs to be corrected. mov rax, 60 needs to be mov al, 60.