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How can I merge the outputs from a For_Each loop in an Azure Logic App to a single flat array?

I have a For_Each loop in an Azure Logic App that calls another, nested, Logic App. The result from each iteration of the nested Logic Apps is a JSON object that contains an array of strings, like this:

 "Results": ["string a", "string b"]

So the output from my For_Each loop in the parent Logic App looks like this:

 {"Results": ["string a", "string b"]},
 {"Results": ["string c", "string d"]}

I want to put all these strings into a single flat list that I can pass to another action.

How can I do this? Is it possible using the workflow definition language and built-in functions, or do I need to use an external function (in a service, or an Azure Function)?


  • There's a simpler solution, working with Array Variables. At the top level, outside the For Each loop, declare a variable with an InitializeVariable action:

    "Initialize_Items_variable": {
        "inputs": {
            "variables": [
                    "name": "Items",
                    "type": "Array",
                    "value": []
        "runAfter": {},
        "type": "InitializeVariable"

    Inside the For Each, use a AppendToArrayVariable action. You can append the Response object of the Nested Logic App you just called.

    "Append_to_Items_variable": {
        "inputs": {
            "name": "Items",
            "value": "@body('Nested_Logic_App_Response')"
        "runAfter": {
        "type": "AppendToArrayVariable"

    Hope it helps.