I'm looking at Side-by-Side assemblies and isolated application solution in Microsoft Windows.
Documentation says:
A private assembly is an assembly that is deployed with an application and is available for the exclusive use of that application.
Private assemblies must be designed to work side-by-side with other versions of the assembly on the system.
However, the deployment process for private assembly is just copying assebly into application's folder (or subfolder with assembly's name). Thus, application can not use more than one version of private assembly. Because if you put another version of private assembly - it'll overwrite old version.
Can someone explain this to me?
If this is indeed so - then what are advantages of such assemblies over usual DLLs with redirection? They seems pretty the same to me and manifest seems not even be used here.
Using private SxS assemblies to deploy dlls is really just a complicated way of making things fail more often.
There are some advantages however:
However, you can create your own activation contexts at runtime using the Activation Context API with base folders you specify, that will then be searched for private SxS assemblies. You can use this technique to dynamically load optional assemblies, or different versions of assemblies to implement some kind of plugin api if necessary.
To use the Activation Context API you need to:
Realize that this cannot be used for statically bound resources as those are always loaded in a context generated by the OS loader.
create some application manifest files describing the dependent assemblies you want to optionally load that you ship with your application - externally, or embedded as RT_MANIFEST resources with resource IDs > 16.
Populate an ACTCTX structure with the details of where the manifest is located, and ensure that lpAssemblyDirectory points to a directory holding a specific version of a private SxS assembly. Call CreateActCtx to create an activation context object.
When it comes time to load a specific version of the dll, activate the appropriate activation context using ActivateActCtx, then call LoadLibrary on the simple name of the dll. Deactivate it after the call as, with the dll loaded, the activation context is no longer required to be active - until & unless you make another call to an API function that will need to search the activation context - e.g. create a window of a class hosted in the dll, or create a registration free com object.
The system will - while loading the dll - search the provided lpAssemblyDirectory for the dll AND any dependent assemblies it may have.