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Problems with header sub total in active reports?

How can you create a group-header subtotal in ActiveReports without having to precalculate the total?

Currently my first group total is showing up as 0 and my subtotals are ending up on the next groups header total.

I have a text box with DataField = TotalCost where TotalCost is a Field being used to sum my Detail section. The textBox Summary properties are:

  • SummaryFunc: Sum
  • SumamryGroup: GroupHeader
  • SummaryRunning: Group
  • SummaryType: SubTotal


  • This is actually pretty simple but active reports documentation isn't the greatest. Setting "SummaryRunning" = None should do it. "Group" only works for the footer section.

    • DataField: TotalCost
    • SummaryGroup: GroupHeader
    • SummaryRunning: None
    • SummaryType: SubTotal