Search code examples

Escape % in JSON Struct with Angularjs for sending http.GET to the server

I have a problem when I tried to execute my query with AngularJS because there is special character like %. I'm using Coldfusion as the server.

The URL of the query is:


My Factory:

app.factory('RequestService', function($http){
    var factory={};

    factory.updateRequest=function(objRequest,id, dateFormat){
        return $'http://myApp/requests.cfc?method=updateRequest&dateRequest=' + dateFormat + '&requestid=' + id + '&jsStruct=' + JSON.stringify(objRequest))

    return factory;

My controller in the file app.js:

app.controller('ctrlEditRequests', function ($scope, $routeParams, MyTextSearch, RequestService){


    $scope.submitForm = function(request){

            RequestService.updateRequest(request, $routeParams.personId, dateFormat).success(function(){
                window.location="#/view-contacts/" + $scope.request.PERSONID;
            }).error(function (data, status, header, config) {



Here the structure is:

"{"ID":29000,"PERSONID":13541,"REQUESTDATE":"11/12/2017","DESCRIPTION":"test","MAILCONTENT":"essai 25 ??? 1%1","OPERATOR":"Sebastien AMADEI","REQUESTTHEME":{"ID":2,"OBSOLETE":0,"NAME":"Economy and finance"}}"

I cannot execute the query because there is the character % in the field Mail Content. I have done a stringify but it's not sufficient.

I don't know how to escape special characters before sending to the server in order to execute the query.

Could you please help me to solve the problem?


  • In the example, the "%" character is being properly encoded. It is the "?" character that is improperly encoded.

    In the URL, AngularJS does not percent encode the following characters:

    A-Z a-z 0-9 ; , / ? : @ & = + $ - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) #

    To properly percent encode search parameters in a URL, use the params property of the $http config object:

    app.factory('RequestService', function($http){
        var factory={};
        factory.updateRequest=function(objRequest,id, dateFormat){
            var params = {
                method: "updateRequest",
                dateRequest: dateFormat,
                requestid: id,
                jsStruct: objRequest
            var config = { params: params };
            return $http.get("http://myApp/requests.cfc", config)
        return factory;

    For more information, see