When submitting an app to the app store I get the following error from Apple:
The app previews and screenshots for the iPhone 5.8-Inch display won’t appear on the App Store because your binary wasn’t built with the iOS 11 SDK.
It's a normal app compiled with PhoneGap Build. Anyone know why this is happening? Is it because PhoneGap Build does not use iOS 11?
PhoneGap Build does support iOS 11 (I just had an app approved a week ago). I'm not sure exactly what would cause this, but here's a few things to check that I recently updated to:
Use the latest version of PG Build, which will support iOS 11 (my best guess for the cause of your issue):
< preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-7.0.1" />
If that doesn't fix it, switch over to the CLI project structure format.