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Cannot find module 'supertest'

I am trying to write API tests in typescript.

I've installed the following packages like this:

npm install -g mocha
npm install chai
npm install supertest
npm install supertest --save-dev
npm install supertest -g
npm install mocha@3.1.2 chai@3.5.0 chai-http@3.0.0 --save-dev
npm install @types/mocha@2.2.32 @types/chai@3.4.34 @types/chai-http@0.0.29 --save-dev
npm install ts-node@3.3.0 --save-dev
npm install typescript@2.0.6 --save-dev

I have typescript code that looks like this:

import { expect } from 'chai';
import * as supertest from 'supertest';
import 'mocha';

var api = supertest('');

describe('API test', () => {
  it('should return a 200 response from petstore', function (done) {
      .set('Accept', 'application/json')
      .expect(200, done);

However, when I try to run, I get this error:

mocha -r ts-node/register src/**/branches.ts  
        throw new TSError(formatDiagnostics(diagnosticList, cwd, ts, lineOffset))
TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript
src\API\branches.ts (5,28): Cannot find module 'supertest'. (2307)

I don't understand why it cannot find supertest. As you can see, I tried installing supertest in every way possible... Also, I do have a folder in my 'node_modules' folder called 'supertest'.



  • Version 3.0.0 and earlier of Supertest doesn't support ES6. There is an issue about that on GitHub.

    There is also a workaround posted there. I'll post it here in case the issue disappears:


    import sinon from 'sinon'
    import chai from 'chai'
    import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai'
    var expect = chai.expect
    var supertest = require("supertest");
    module.exports = {
      sinon: sinon,
      chai: chai,
      expect: expect,
      supertest: supertest

    In your testing file:

    import {sinon, chai, expect, supertest} from '../test_helper'

    Credit goes to foxgaocn.