I have a form which is used to insert records into the database and if all goes right redirect the user to the index page with a message (actually set with a session) about the success or failure of the operation.
Now, am able to set the session in add_book.php and display the message in index.php but the message still persist after reloading the page without going away.
in add_book.php. I have this
$_SESSION['insert'] = "Record inserted into the database";
echo '...succesfully add new book...';
header("Location: index.php");
and in the index.php, I have this
<?php if(isset($_SESSION['insert'])){
<p class="update"><?php echo $_SESSION['insert'];?></p>
}//end of isset $_SESSION['insert']
Try deleting the session after displaying:
<?php if(isset($_SESSION['insert'])){
<p class="update"><?php echo $_SESSION['insert'];?></p>
}//end of isset $_SESSION['insert']