After the execution of the mariadb-10.2.11-winx64.msi
file, that installs the MariaDB 10.2.11 Server, I would like to make some changes on the my.ini file of the MariaDB 10.2.11 Server after it has been installed.
I have tried to use the AfterInstall
parameter as shown bellow:
Source: C:\Setup\Bin\mariadb-10.2.11-winx64.msi; DestDir: {tmp}; \
Flags: ignoreversion promptifolder deleteafterinstall; Components: server
Filename: {tmp}\mariadb-10.2.11-winx64.msi; Parameters: /qn; \
WorkingDir: {tmp}; Flags: shellexec waituntilterminated; AfterInstall: ConfigMyIni
procedure ConfigMyIni;
MyIni : String;
MyIni := ExpandConstant('{pf}\MariaDB 10.2\data\my.ini');
if FileExists(MyIni) then
if IniKeyExists('mysqld', 'character-set-server', MyIni) then
SetIniString('mysqld', 'character-set-server', 'uft8', MyIni)
SetIniString('mysqld', 'character-set-server', 'uft8', MyIni);
if IniKeyExists('mysqld', 'collation-server', MyIni) then
SetIniString('mysqld', 'collation-server', 'uft8_bin', MyIni)
SetIniString('mysqld', 'collation-server', 'uft8_bin', MyIni);
if IniKeyExists('mysqld', 'lower-case-table-names', MyIni) then
SetIniString('mysqld', 'lower-case-table-names', '1', MyIni)
SetIniString('mysqld', 'lower-case-table-names', '1', MyIni);
I have stepped through the script code and I have found that the ConfigMyIni
procedure is executed before the end of the execution of the mariadb-10.2.11-winx64.msi
file. The my.ini
file does not exist at that moment. How can I force the ConfigMyIni
procedure to be executed only after the end of the execution of the mariadb-10.2.11-winx64.msi
I have already read the help of Inno Setup and have searched for any answer on Stack Overflow but have not found any clue that I could follow to solve my problem.
Could anyone give some help on this problem?
That is a consequence of the /qn
switch. With the switch, the top-level msiexec
process delegates installation to a hidden subprocess and terminates itself immediately.
Consider using /qb
or /qb!
or similar, instead.