For my bachelor thesis I have to analyze a password leak and I have a table with 2 colums MEMBER_EMAIL and MEMBER_HASH
I want to calculate the frequency of each hash efficiently
So that the output looks like:
Hash | Amount ---------------- 2e3f.. | 345 2f2e.. | 288 b2be.. | 189
My query until now was straight forward:
SELECT MEMBER_HASH AS hashed, count(*) AS amount
FROM thesis.fulllist
GROUP BY hashed
While it works fine for smaller tables, i have problems computing the query on the whole list (112 mio. entries), where it takes me over 2 days, ending in a weird connection timeout error even if my settings regarding that are fine.
So I wonder if there is a better way to calculate (as i can't really think of any), would appreciate any help!
Your query can't be optimized as it's quite simple. The only way I think to improve the way the query is executed is to index the "MEMBER_HASH".
This is how you can do it :