This is a newbie question. Suppose I want to separate a list of files and directories into a list of files and a list of directories:
getFilesAndDirs :: [FilePath] -> ([FilePath], [FilePath])
getFilesAndDirs paths =
let ...
in (dirs, files)
Probably this is a hopeless duplicate, I just miss the right keywords. What is the right way to do (and call) this?
The files and the directories occur randomly.
The Data.List
package has the partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
function which splits a list of a
s into a tuple of two lists of a
s based on a predicate.
The problem is however that when we check if a file is a directory, we probably will use isDirectory :: FilePath -> IO Bool
so we can not directly use this as a predicate (since IO Bool
is not equal to Bool
We can write our own partitionM
however, and use that one:
import Data.Bool(bool)
import Data.Foldable(foldrM)
partitionM :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> t a -> m ([a], [a])
partitionM p = foldrM (selectM p) ([],[])
selectM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> a -> ([a], [a]) -> m ([a], [a])
selectM p x (ts,fs) = p x >>= return . bool (ts, x:fs) (x:ts,fs)
we can then use it like:
import System.Directory(isDirectory)
getFilesAndDirs :: [FilePath] -> IO ([FilePath], [FilePath])
getFilesAndDirs = partitionM isDirectory
Note that it is an IO ([FilePath], [FilePath])
, since we need to perform I/O to check if a path is indeed a directory (and not a file).