using spray-json how can I serialize following class
case class Vegetable(name: String, color: String, seller:ISeller)
here ISeller is a Java Interface. I am new to spray-json an not sure how this can be serialized and deserialized.
I tried this but it gives runtime error
implicit val VegetableFormat = jsonFormat3(Vegetable)
Any pointer here will be great.
You need to define a way to convert to/from JSON for your ISeller object. In addition to code you supplied you need to define formatter for ISeller like the following:
implicit object ISellerJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[ISeller] {
def write(c: ISeller) = JsNull
def read(value: JsValue) = null
The snippet above just ignores ISeller so vegetable.toJson would produce:
If you want to read/write something more meaningful you can implement more complex logic. See the "Providing JsonFormats for other Types" section in .