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How to apply function to each cell in a cell array which contains 3D Matrix in matlab?

I have a cell array A, of dimension say 1x8 and each cell consist of 10x13xNmatirx(numerical values).


10x13x91 double 10x13x91 double 10x13x91 double 10x13x91 double 10x13x91 double 10x13x91 double 10x13x91 double 10x13x91 double

now i want to take mean and variance for 10x13(130 Values) across N. i.e, (1,1,1)(1,1,2)...(1,1,N). first 2 values indicates the points and the third one refers to the position.

When i try to apply mean over a 1x8 Cell array of the same dimension and cell values as mentioned above using the cellfun function, i get the following error.

A = 1x8 cell

B = cellfun(@mean,A)

Error using cellfun Non-scalar in Uniform output, at index 1, output 1. Set 'UniformOutput' to false.

i need the results like only 260 values(mean+variance) across 8 elements of 1x8 Cellarray,by the way i can ignore the N values, since i take the mean and variance over N. How can i do this? Thanks.


  • Instead of using @mean, use @(x)mean(x,3), and as the others have mentioned - ...,'UniformOutput',false.

    Since the results of the computation always have the same size (10x13), you can convert the resulting cell to a numeric array, if you reshape B to be a vector in the 3rd dimension:

    C = cell2mat(reshape(B,1,1,[]));

    Now, if you also want to compute variance while you're at it, you can do something like

    B = cellfun(@(x)cat(3,mean(x,3),var(x,0,3)),A,'UniformOutput',false);

    But if you want this last B as a numeric array, you'd need to make it a vector in the 4th dimension (since the 3rd was taken by the concatenation):

    C = cell2mat(reshape(B,1,1,1,[]));