I have a class called Room, the Room class has setPrice and display function.
I stored room objects in a vector:
room.push_back(Room("r001", 1004, 2, "small"));
room.push_back(Room("r002", 1005, 2, "small"));
room.push_back(Room("r003", 2001, 4, "small"));
room.push_back(Room("r004", 2002, 4, "small"));
In my main function, i create a display function to display all rooms. Here is my code:
void displayRoom()
vector<Room>::iterator it;
for (it = room.begin(); it != room.end(); ++it) {
*it.display(); // just trying my luck to see if it works
But it does not call the Room's display method.
How do I call the Room(class)'s display method (no argument) and setPrice(1 argument) method?
Dereferencing has higher priority than member access. You could add parens ((*it).display()
), but you should just use the shortcut that was introduced long long ago (in C) for this: it->display()
Of course the same rule applies for pointers and everything else that can be dereferenced (other iterators, smart pointers, etc.).