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Remove unused (generated) columns

I am trying to split name values to analyze them afterwards. To do so, I generate 15 columns in T-SQL and then use an UDF ( to split a column 'value' into the new columns (using space as separator). I get the following results, as intended, so far, so good...

id|value  |col_1|col_2|col_3|col_4|col_5|col_6|col_7|col_8|col_9|col_10|col_11|col_12|col_13|col_14|col_15
1 |xxx    |x    |x    |x    |     |     |     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |     
2 |x      |x    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |
3 |xxxxxxx|x    |x    |x    |x    |x    |x    |x    |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |
4 |xxxx   |x    |x    |x    |x    |     |     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |

Happy with my solution I started on the code to really analyze the seperate parts. My colleague however, came up with a small nonsense-note, he said the columns that are not used, should be removed. And because I am appointed to help colleagues instead of telling them how silly their questions are, I said I'd look into it.

The thing is that my ego does not allow me to use 15 hard-coded lines for this. I'd really like to do this with a cursor, so that the code keeps working if later on I need to parse much longer strings (which btw is actually assumable). I use a number in the cursor to create a column name. Then I thought it would be a good idea to use a 'select 1 from #1 where len(column_name)'-query to see if the column is in use. But now I am stuck creating the dynamic sql that include the created column_name. Which is a problem, because I need that same column_name to actually remove it when found empty.

while @count < @max_nr_columns
set @colname = 'part' + convert(varchar(255), (@count + 1))
declare @max_col_real nvarchar(4000)-- = N'max_col_real_is_empty'
declare @mc int = 0
exec('sp_executesql (select 1 from #1 where ' + @colname + ' is not null), N''@max_col_real nvarchar(4000) output'', @max_col_real output')
set @max_col_real = (@sql)
set @count = @count + 1
print @max_col_real

It throws an error about a comma, which means that the problem resides in the exec-line. Can anyone point me in the right direction for removing column 8-15? Or tell me what I am doing wrong in the above code?

I am using SQL2014, but like to stay downwards compatible until 2008.


  • You can pivot to suppress null values. Pivot,Stuff and FOR XML should be available since 2008.

    So example could be


       Create table #temp (id int, value nvarchar(50),col_1 nvarchar(50),col_2 nvarchar(50),col_3 nvarchar(50),col_4 nvarchar(50),col_5 nvarchar(50),col_6 nvarchar(50),col_7 nvarchar(50),col_8 nvarchar(50),col_9 nvarchar(50))
    insert into #temp
    (1 ,'xxx'    ,'x','x','x',null,null,null,null,null,null),    
    (2 ,'x'      ,'x',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null), 
    (3 ,'xxxxxxx','x','x','x','x','x','x','x',null,null),  
    (4 ,'xxxx'   ,'x','x','x','x',null,null,null,null,null) 
    declare @gruppe nvarchar(max)
          declare @gruppeSql nvarchar(max)
          declare @SQL nvarchar(max)
          DECLARE myCustomers CURSOR FOR
    Select [Name] from tempdb.sys.columns where object_id = object_id('tempdb..#temp') 
    and [name] like 'col%' 
          set @gruppeSql = ''
          OPEN myCustomers
           FETCH NEXT FROM myCustomers INTO @gruppe
          IF (@@FETCH_STATUS>=0)
          SET @gruppeSql = @gruppeSql +'[' +@gruppe+']'
          FETCH NEXT FROM myCustomers INTO @gruppe
           WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS<>-1)
           IF (@@FETCH_STATUS<>-2)
           SET @gruppeSql = @gruppeSql  + ',[' +@gruppe+']'
           FETCH NEXT FROM myCustomers INTO @gruppe
           CLOSE myCustomers
           DEALLOCATE myCustomers 
          SET @gruppeSql = replace(@gruppesql,'''','')
          print @gruppeSql
          --select @gruppeSql
           SET @SQL = '
            SELECT distinct Pets = ''Select'' + STUFF((SELECT N'', '' + cols 
      FROM (select distinct cols from #temp a
    UNPIVOT (Rowno for Cols in('+@gruppeSql+')) as pvy ) AS p2
       FOR XML PATH(N'''')), 1, 2, N'' '')'
          print @sql
          drop table #temp