I'm trying to use a cron job task to backup my database, but when I try to add the script on the cron job it shows an error message like:
Can't set character ">"
This is the script I'm using:
mysqldump -u "username" --password='****' --no-create-info --no-tablespaces "username" > /home/"username"/public_html/_backup/db__$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d_\%H_\%M_\%S).sql
If I run the same script via SSH console, it creates the file just fine, but I can't create the cron because of this error.
Since I'm on a shared hosting, I can't use other php functions such as exec()
because they are blocked by default due to security reasons.
The support said I should escape the character because they are not allowed, but then the script fails because it's invalid. Is there a way to fix this?
cron just tries to start your command line without invoking a shell. The output redirection is a feature of the shell though and won't be understood by the mysqldump
Now you have two options:
The latter method has the extra advantage that you can easily define the exact execution environment. cron usually only defines very few environment variables and this can be a pain. Within your script you can source your $HOME/.bashrc (or whatever other file), set your path variable, and so on.