Setting a condition variable to wait for a duration of type chrono::duration<float>
results in the condition variable not waking up, while it wakes up fine with a chrono::duration<int>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
void int_version()
mutex my_mutex;
unique_lock<mutex> my_lock(my_mutex);
condition_variable my_cv;
chrono::duration<int> my_duration(5);
// this_thread::sleep_for(my_duration);
my_cv.wait_for(my_lock, my_duration);
cout << "Int version finished" << endl;;
void float_version()
mutex my_mutex;
unique_lock<mutex> my_lock(my_mutex);
condition_variable my_cv;
chrono::duration<float> my_duration(5);
// this_thread::sleep_for(my_duration);
my_cv.wait_for(my_lock, my_duration);
cout << "Float version finished" << endl;;
int main()
thread float_thread(float_version);
thread int_thread(int_version);
cout << "10 secs elapsed" << endl;
I can't reproduce this behaviour with just this_thread::sleep_for
, in this case both versions wake up fine.
Also, sometimes, instead of not waking up, the float version will wake up instantly without waiting 5secs. I guess it could be a spurious wake-up, but I doubt it since it never happens with the int version, and from the few tests I have done, when I try to put it in a while loop to check for spurious wake-ups it seems to constantly wake-up.
So what is happening? Am I misunderstanding something obvious about chrono::duration<float>
? Am I doing something wrong with my condition variables? With the threads?
Compiled on Ubuntu 16.04 with GCC 7.2 and -std=c++17 -pthread.
There is nothing wrong with your codes. It is a bug of libstdc++.