I want to change axis labels dynamically using ggplot. The code below is a simple version of what I'd like to do. It correctly displays a degree symbol in the y axis.The commented out ylab lines of code are what I'd like to do but fail. I want to create the plotmath code, assign it to a variable (e.g. yLabel) and then have ggplot interpret it.
DT <- data.table(timeStamp=c(1:12), ColN1=runif(12, 0, 10))
DT.long <- data.table::melt(
DT, id.vars = c("timeStamp"))
yLabel <- "Temperature~(~degree~F)"
yLabel1 <- expression("Temperature~(~degree~F)")
p <- ggplot(data = DT.long, aes(x = timeStamp, y = value)) +
xlab("Time") +
# ylab( expression(paste("Value is ", yLabel,","))) +
# ylab(yLabel) +
# ylab(yLabel1) +
ylab(Temperature~(~degree~F)) +
scale_y_continuous() +
theme_bw() +
Use bquote
Here is your dynamic component
temp <- 12
Assign it to the label using
ylab(bquote(Temperature ~is ~ .(temp) ~(degree~F)))
Or to address your additional question below
V = "Temperature is ("~degree~"F)"
W = "depth is ("~degree~"C)"
ggplot(data = DT.long, aes(x = timeStamp, y = value)) +
xlab("Time") +
ggplot(data = DT.long, aes(x = timeStamp, y = value)) +
xlab("Time") +