A program can branch from START to either LEFT or RIGHT branch. How can I check that there is an execution path for LEFT branch and the other execution path for RIGHT branch?
------------------------------ MODULE WFBranch ------------------------------
START == "start"
LEFT == "left"
RIGHT == "right"
Init == state = START
Next ==
\/ /\ state = START
/\ \/ state' = LEFT
\/ state' = RIGHT
\/ /\ state \in {LEFT, RIGHT}
/\ state' = START
Spec ==
/\ Init
/\ [][Next]_<<state>>
/\ WF_<<state>>(Next) \* Avoid stuttering at start
This passes, but it does not ensure that there exist different paths covering both
branches - e.g. state might never be LEFT.
CheckEventualStates == \/ (state = START) ~> (state = RIGHT)
\/ (state = START) ~> (state = LEFT)
In the completely general case, there's no way to check that for every state, at least one behavior eventually reaches it. This is because TLA+ is based off linear temporal logic, which doesn't have a means of expressing a property that holds between multiple different behaviors.
Depending on the specific case, there's sometimes subsitutes you can make. For example, we could write
Left ==
/\ state = START
/\ state' = LEFT
Right ==
/\ state = START
/\ state' = RIGHT
Next ==
\/ /\ state = START
/\ \/ Left
\/ Right
\/ /\ state \in {LEFT, RIGHT}
/\ state' = START
Then you could check there are two branches with
CheckEventualStates ==
/\ <>(ENABLED Left)
/\ <>(ENABLED Right)