so basically Im trying to get steam player inventory in PHP from geting json content but I cannot figure out how to do it, espcially I didn't work with json a lot before. I have a problem with what I should pick in PHP to get what I want from the JSON.
$inventoryJsonUrl = ''.$steamID.'/730/2?l=english&count=5000';
$inventoryJsonGet = file_get_contents($inventoryJsonUrl);
$inventory = json_decode($inventoryJsonGet, TRUE);
for ($i=0; $i < count($inventory['assets']) ; $i++) {
echo $inventory['assets'];
And lets say the $inventoryJsonURL is now
And I have problem with getting what I want, I mean lets say that in the for loop I want to have name of the item/skin, id of that item and some more things. But I don't know how and what I suppose to pick to get that.
Sorry for bad bad English.
Thanks in advance.
You can make use of PHP's foreach
$inventories = json_decode($inventoryJsonGet , TRUE);
// you can check the structure of your array by
// print_r($inventories)
foreach ($inventories['descriptions'] as $key => $description) {
echo '<pre>';
echo $description['appid'];
echo $description['market_name'];
echo '</pre>';