I've been trying to understad Functional Programming, Haskell and Continuation Passing Style in one big blob and my structured/OOP background is giving me a hard time.
According to this I understand the following should be a correct definition of factorial in CPS-style:
factorial n = fact n id where id = \x -> x
fact 0 cont = cont n
fact (n+1) cont = fact n * (n + 1)
but I'm not sure about the "* (n + 1)" part at the end - is that correct?
It's not quite correct (and doesn't compile for me); the value n+1
is right but it isn't used in quite the correct way. Maybe you meant to use an operator section?
factorial n' = fact n' id
id = \x -> x
fact 0 cont = cont 1
fact (n+1) cont = fact n (cont . (* (n+1)))
This is identical to (but more obtuse than) the following
factorial n' = fact n' id
id = \x -> x
fact 0 cont = cont 1
fact (n+1) cont = fact n (\ret -> cont (ret * (n+1)) )
There are a few things I would change here. First, id
is a standard function so you don't need to redefine it. Secondly, these examples use "n+k patterns", which IIRC are no longer available by default in GHC. Instead of an "n+k pattern", you can use a normal pattern variable. Note that I used 1
for the base case; this is simpler to reason about if you're counting down from n
, and the continuation function should be applied at each step within the computation (you'd dropped it from the induction step). With these in mind, you can write
factorial n' = fact n' id
fact 0 cont = cont 1
fact n cont = fact (n-1) (cont . (* n))
which I would consider more or less idiomatic.
Edit: I personally don't like n+k patterns, but I thought I'd take a bit of time to explain them. I find it easier to follow if you think of mathematical induction with a base case and an induction step. The base case is fact 0 ...
. You then define the other values by proceeding from the base step: "for any fact n k
, determine fact (n+1) k
by this relation." This is different from how I think of normal pattern variables, that is top-down instead of bottom-up as here, but I think it explains the motivation and why some people like the style.
The reason I don't like n+k patterns is simply because I find the definitions more cluttered, but YMMV.