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How to set up an independent progress bar

I'm trying to include a progress bar during the computations in my shiny application. Description of my problem:

  • My computation takes a while, like 30 seconds
  • I'm able to evaluate in advance the exact time a computation will take
  • however, the computation is in one chunk, not splitable in small parts that I could use to manually increment the progress bar, think of it as a large model fitting process.

Currently there are some questions related to the problem but no satisfying answer: here, here for instance.

Is there a way to implement an bar that progresses on top of a calculation, independently and continuously, for a fixed amount of time (or maybe insert an animation of the bar in a pop-up that mimics the bar?)


Edit: I tried to mimic a progress bar with an animated sliderInput, but I couldn't find how programmatically trigger the animation...


  • I think this would be a lot easier when Shiny releases its async support. But for now, it'd have to be a custom, client-side JavaScript solution.

    My take on it uses the same Bootstrap 3 progress bars that Shiny uses. Out of laziness, I also leveraged Shiny's progress bar CSS classes (top bar style), so this will conflict with Shiny's progress bars. Ideally it'd be a widget with its own styles.

    I used jQuery's animate to set the width of the progress bar over a fixed duration. animate has some nice options out of the box like easing. I also let the progress bar linger after 100% by default, thinking it'd be better for the server to explicitly close the progress bar in case the timing isn't exact.

    progressBarTimer <- function(top = TRUE) {
      progressBar <- div(
        class = "progress progress-striped active",
        # disable Bootstrap's transitions so we can use jQuery.animate
        div(class = "progress-bar", style = "-webkit-transition: none !important;
                  transition: none !important;")
      containerClass <- "progress-timer-container"
      if (top) {
        progressBar <- div(class = "shiny-progress", progressBar)
        containerClass <- paste(containerClass, "shiny-progress-container")
            $(function() {
              Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('progress-timer-start', function(message) {
                var $progress = $('.progress-timer-container');
                var $bar = $progress.find('.progress-bar');
                $bar.css('width', '0%');
                $bar.animate({ width: '100%' }, {
                  duration: message.duration,
                  easing: message.easing,
                  complete: function() {
                    if (message.autoClose) $progress.fadeOut();
              Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('progress-timer-close', function(message) {
                var $progress = $('.progress-timer-container');
        div(class = containerClass, style = "display: none;", progressBar)
    startProgressTimer <- function(durationMsecs = 2000, easing = c("swing", "linear"),
                                   autoClose = FALSE, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
      easing <- match.arg(easing)
      session$sendCustomMessage("progress-timer-start", list(
        duration = durationMsecs,
        easing = easing,
        autoClose = autoClose
    closeProgressTimer <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
      session$sendCustomMessage("progress-timer-close", list())
    ui <- fluidPage(
      numericInput("seconds", "how many seconds your calculation will last?", value = 6),
      progressBarTimer(top = TRUE),
      actionButton("go", "Compute")
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      observeEvent(input$go, {
        startProgressTimer(input$seconds * 1000, easing = "swing")
        Sys.sleep(input$seconds) # simulate computation
        showNotification("Computation finished!", type = "error")
    shinyApp(ui, server)