I am using the XML Protocol from Coq 8.6.1. When I tried the PrintAst call, I failed to get an AST, but got an "todo" instead. Is this a malfunction or did I do something wrong? How should I get an AST from a print AST call?
Here is my case:
I used coqtop -toploop coqidetop -main-channel stdfds
to open an ideslave process, an then input the Coq code from coq-8.6.1/theories/FSets/FSetCompat.v
Here I use "<<<<<<<" to enclose some detailed procedures if you would like to repeat my experiment.
First, I input
<call val="Add"><pair><pair><string>(***********************************************************************)
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(** * Compatibility functors between FSetInterface and MSetInterface. *)
Require Import FSetInterface FSetFacts MSetInterface MSetFacts.
</string><int>1</int></pair><pair><state_id val="1"/><bool val="true"/></pair></pair></call>
<call val="Add"><pair><pair><string>Set Implicit Arguments.
</string><int>1</int></pair><pair><state_id val="2"/><bool val="true"/></pair></pair></call>
<call val="Add"><pair><pair><string>Unset Strict Implicit.
</string><int>1</int></pair><pair><state_id val="3"/><bool val="true"/></pair></pair></call>
and finally
<call val="Add"><pair><pair><string>
(** * From new Weak Sets to old ones *)
Module Backport_WSets
(M:MSetInterface.WSets with Definition E.t := E.t
with Definition E.eq := E.eq)
<: FSetInterface.WSfun E.
</string><int>1</int></pair><pair><state_id val="4"/><bool val="true"/></pair></pair></call>
At this time, I called <call val="PrintAst"><state_id val="5"/></call>
, which I expect to return the AST of
Module Backport_WSets
(M:MSetInterface.WSets with Definition E.t := E.t
with Definition E.eq := E.eq)
<: FSetInterface.WSfun E.
To my disappointment, I got
<value val="good"><gallina begin="42" end="228"><todo begin="42" end="228">Module Backport_WSets (E: DecidableType.DecidableType)
(M: MSetInterface.WSets with Definition E.t := E.t with Definition
E.eq := E.eq)<: FSetInterface.WSfun E.</todo></gallina></value>
By pretty printing it is
<value val="good">
<gallina begin="42" end="228">
<todo begin="42" end="228">Module Backport_WSets (E: DecidableType.DecidableType)
(M: MSetInterface.WSets with Definition E.t := E.t with Definition
E.eq := E.eq)<: FSetInterface.WSfun E.</todo>
But this is merely a copy of the code! It even didn't apply a lexer... Why would this happen? Could somebody help? Thank you so much!
The print_ast
call was never completed and it has been removed in newer Coq versions.
If you need a structured representation of Coq data I recommend Coq SerAPI which is based on automatic serialization. [Disclaimer: I am the author]
Edit: how to do that in SerAPI:
echo '
(Add () "From Coq Require Import FSetInterface FSetFacts MSetInterface MSetFacts.
(** * From new Weak Sets to old ones *)
Module Backport_WSets
(M:MSetInterface.WSets with Definition E.t := E.t
with Definition E.eq := E.eq)
<: FSetInterface.WSfun E.")
(Query () (Ast 3))
' | ./sertop.native --printer=human
yields [after removing location info from the AST which is quite verbose]:
(VernacDefineModule ()
(Id Backport_WSets)
(((Id E)))
(Ser_Qualid (DirPath ((Id DecidableType))) (Id DecidableType))
(((Id M)))
(Ser_Qualid (DirPath ((Id MSetInterface))) (Id WSets))))
(((Id E) (Id t)))
((Ser_Qualid (DirPath ((Id E))) (Id t))))
(((Id E) (Id eq)))
((Ser_Qualid (DirPath ((Id E))) (Id eq))))
(Ser_Qualid (DirPath ((Id FSetInterface))) (Id WSfun))))
((v (CMident (Ser_Qualid (DirPath ()) (Id E))))
what is more, Coq and SerAPI provide these days a generic mapping system form ASTs to input buffer location.