how do i achieve a scroll down on my chatbox, because i cant see the realtime message. i want it to be called on my div id where my i put my style overflow
//scroll to bottom
function toBottom(){
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
}//end of scroll to bottom
view part
<div class="scrollMessage w3-padding div" onload="toBottom" id="scroll" style="overflow-y:scroll;height: 460px;">
<?php include 'getMessage.php'; ?>
at first load it should already be on the last message
at actual chat conversation it will also be on the last message to show
This is what you're looking for. Hope, it helps.
var objDiv = document.getElementById("scroll2"); //Obtain the ID of the chat div
window.onload = toBottom;
function toBottom() {
objDiv.scrollTop = objDiv.scrollHeight; //Set the scroll offset position to the height of the chat div
<div id="scroll">
<div class="scrollMessage w3-padding div" onload="toBottom" id="scroll2" style="overflow-y:scroll;height: 200px;width:150px;">
<!--<?php include 'getMessage.php'; ?>-->
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Random messages <br>
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Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
Random messages <br>
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