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Understanding Variable Type

I have a variable declared as var that I want to implicitly declare. I have used the code Console.WriteLine(returnData.GetType(); which returns ConsoleApp1.GreenGlue[] -> which I do not follow on how to change the type of var returnData;

This is how the syntax is set...snippet if more code needs to be added let me know.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var returnData = JsonConert.DeserializeObject<GreenGlue[]>(reply);

public class GreenGlue
    public string BC { get; set; }
    public List<BL> BL { get; set; }


  • var is an implicitly declared variable, meaning the compiler will infer the type from the right-hand side.

    Since you are using Json.Net, you will have to change the generic parameter for DeserializeObject whatever result you want.