I'm using Sphinx to document methods that return dictionaries.
def do_stuff(foo, bar):
"""Do some stuff
:param foo: I'm an argument
:param bar: So am I
:return: dict::
"success": (Boolean) True if stuff was done
"meta": {
"aaa": A nested return value
"bbb": Another nested return value
The formatting for the dictionary object looks off:
As best I can tell, the problem is that string literals in RST are expected to be indented at the same level.
Is there a workaround for this?
Indenting the ::
and then further indenting the dictionary, got it recognized as a codeblock. This was using .. autofunction:: do_stuff
and sphinx 1.5.2.
def do_stuff(foo, bar):
"""Do some stuff
:param foo: I'm an argument
:param bar: So am I
:return: dict
"success": (Boolean) True if stuff was done
"meta": {
"aaa": A nested return value
"bbb": Another nested return value
When I separated out the dict part, I had to format like so.
def do_stuff(foo, bar):
"""Do some stuff
:param foo: I'm an argument
:param bar: So am I
:rtype: dict
"success": (Boolean) True if stuff was done
"meta": {
"aaa": A nested return value
"bbb": Another nested return value