Put briefly, can I use the 'search' command to search through file contents? If so, how?
I am trying to find an easier way to search through file contents in Linux Mint than having to type
grep -rnw . -e 'my search text'
I just noticed there is a 'search' command
$ which search
However, when I look at its help text; I am presented with this:
usage: search [arguments] [options]
for text
in directory
I am unable to make sense of this, any arguments I try passing in seem to inevitably lead me to the same text.
There is also no man page entry, I tried that as well.
I have tried e.g.
$ search "my search text" .
$ search . "test"
$ search . . . .
Lacking a way to get this to work, I may opt for an alias. Sadly though, 'search' is already taken..
I just did a clean install, and went to have a look at this 'search' executable. Turns out, it is in fact a shell command with the following resulting command:
find $directory -type f -exec grep -$case$verbose "$text" --color=auto -n {} \;
The four $variables above are respectively populated with the search directory, case-sensitivity, verbosity and ultimately the single word search text.
I have no idea why this facility exists, but as the manual suggests, you can only use it to search for a single word (no spaces), and in the specified following directory.
An example looking for (case insensitive) and without verbosity would thus be:
search for bar in ~/home/foo
The command was apparently added in Linux mint in 2008, as indicated in this post that also details its use.