Does anyone know of a way to use dplyr to compute the difference between averages for some_var == TRUE
and some_var == FALSE
, grouped by a third variable?
For example, given the following example dataframe:
dat <- iris %>%
mutate(wide=Sepal.Width > 3) %>%
group_by(Species, wide) %>%
# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups: Species [?]
Species wide mean_width
<fctr> <lgl> <dbl>
1 setosa FALSE 2.900000
2 setosa TRUE 3.528571
3 versicolor FALSE 2.688095
4 versicolor TRUE 3.200000
5 virginica FALSE 2.800000
6 virginica TRUE 3.311765
Does anyone know of a way to derive a new data frame with the differences for wide == TRUE
and wide == FALSE
, by Species?
This can be done using several statements:
false_vals <- dat %>% filter(wide==FALSE)
true_vals <- dat %>% filter(wide==TRUE)
diff <- data.frame(Species=unique(dat$Species), diff=true_vals$mean_width - false_vals$mean_width)
> diff
Species diff
1 setosa 0.6285714
2 versicolor 0.5119048
3 virginica 0.5117647
However, this seems like something that should be achievable directly with dplyr.
Any ideas?
Using spread()
from tidyr
iris %>% mutate(wide=Sepal.Width > 3) %>%
group_by(Species, wide) %>%
summarize(mean_width=mean(Sepal.Width)) %>%
spread(wide, mean_width) %>%
summarise(diff = `TRUE` - `FALSE`)
# Species diff
#1 setosa 0.6285714
#2 versicolor 0.5119048
#3 virginica 0.5117647