I am trying to take out certain columns from a pdb file. I already have taken out all lines that start out with ATOM in my code. For some reason my sub functions are not working and I do not know where or how to call them. My code is:
open (FILE, $ARGV[0])
or die "Could not open file\n";
my @newlines;
while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
if ($line =~ m/^ATOM.*/) {
push @newlines, $line;
my $atomcount = @newlines;
#print "@newlines\n";
#print "$atomcount\n";
#This function will take out the element from each line
#The element is from column 77 and contains one or two letters
sub atomfreq {
foreach my $record1(@newlines) {
my $element = substr($record1, 76, 2);
print "$element\n";
#This function will take out the residue name from each line
#The element is from column 18 and contains 3 letters
sub resfreq {
foreach my $record2(@newlines) {
my $residue = substr($record2, 17, 3);
print "$residue\n";
As @Ossip already said in this answer you simply need to call your functions:
sub atomfreq {
sub resfreq {
But I'm not sure whether these functions do what you intended because the comments imply that they should print every $residue
and $element
from the @newlines
array. You've put a return
statement inside the for
loop which will immediately return from the whole function (and its for
loop) so it will print only the first $residue
or $element
. Because the functions aren't supposed to return anything you can just drop that statement:
sub atomfreq {
foreach my $record1(@newlines) {
my $element = substr($record1, 76, 2);
print "$element\n";
sub resfreq {
foreach my $record2(@newlines) {
my $residue = substr($record2, 17, 3);
print "$residue\n";