I am drafting an email template to users when they successfully updated their passwords.
I used {{ autoescape off }} in the template, which is rendered by using render_to_string().
However, the email content shows the HTML angle brackets directly like this:
Hi <span style='color:blue'>user! </span>
Your password is updated successfully!
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
def sendmail(request, title)
email_title = title
email_content = render_to_string('template.html',{'username':request.user.username})
recipient = request.user.email
'[email protected]',
{{ autoescape off}}
Hi <span style='color:blue'>user! </span>
Your password is updated successfully!
{{ endautoescape }}
Is there anything wrong with my code?
Otherwise, is autoescape always on while using render_to_string()?
This has nothing to do with autoescape, which is for rendering variables (it is also a template tag, so you use it with {% autoescape off %}
, not {{ autoescape off }}
). It is doing nothing at all in your current template.
Your issue is that you're trying to put HTML into the plain text body of an email.
expects a plain text message body. If you want to have a HTML body then you need to supply a html_message
'', # Empty plain text body - not recommended and you should supply a plain text alternative
'[email protected]',
html_message=email_content, # This will render as HTML