Is there a way to get fields from associated model in react components in rails?
I have listing model that I am maping through in react component and getting all the fields within each record including the ID of the model that is associated to listing model that I am getting.
What I specifically want to achieve is to get another field through the associated ID that I have in listing model but, I am not getting it just like we do in rails, for example
How to achieve this?
here a snippet of my code
def all
@listings = Listing.all
rescue => e
@listings = []
def filter
@listings = Listing.where(nil)
filtering_params(params).each do |key, value|
@listings = @listings.public_send(key, value) if value.present?
render json: { listings: @listings }, status: 200
def filtering_params(params)
params[:filters].slice(:bedrooms, :bathrooms, :price, :parking)
<%= react_component('ListingsPage', listings: @listings) %>
And here My react component(listings.js.jsx)
class ListingsList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const { listings } = this.props;
return (
<div className='ListingList_container'>
<td>Building ID</td>
{, index) => (
<tr key={}>
<td>{index + 1}</td>
<td>{listing.parking ? 'Available' : 'None'}</td>
// below I want to get building name just like we do in rails
// through association '' but, that
// doesn't work
<td>{listing.building_id}</td> // this works, I am getting building ID
<td>{}</td> // this doesn't work
I appreciate every single view and help thanks in advance. Please let me know if my question is not clear.
You'll have to load the associations first, then use the include
option in as_json
to add them to the JSON output
For example, if your Listing
model has_many :offers
and has_many :views
, then you would write this:
# In the controller
@listings = Listing.preload(:offers, :views)
# In your view
<%= react_component(
listings: @listings.as_json(include: [:offers, :views])
) %>