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Scala: How to extend an Akka actor?

I wrote an Akka base-actor that can handle some common messages. I want to reuse this basic behavior in a sub-actor, by extending the base-actor (not by composition of the base-actor).

I have seen several approaches in previous questions. They are all valid but also may be improved:

How extend behaviour of super actor in akka


How do I best share behavior among Akka actors?

To make the implementation cleaner, I am trying to achieve the following:

  • When defining the sub-actor, I try to extend only the base-actor (not both Actor and sub-actor). However, I was not able to force the compiler to do this.
  • I also try to not rename the receive partial function, because it is a kind of convention.

Here is a sample of my implementation:

//This is the base-actor that implements the common behavior

trait BetterActor extends Actor {

  abstract override def receive = {
    super.receive orElse { case _ => println("Missing pattern!") }

//This is the actor that implements the additional behavior.
//I actually wanted to extend BetterActor. It was not possible.

class MyActor extends Actor {

  def receive = {
    case i: Int =>
      println(s"Yay!!! Got $i")

Here are two alternative ways how I can create an instance of the sub-actor, which combines both the common and the additional behaviors:


val myBetterActor = system.actorOf(Props(new MyActor with BetterActor), "myBetterActor")


class MyBetterActor extends MyActor with BetterActor
val myBetterActor = system.actorOf(Props[MyBetterActor], "myBetterActor")

Finally, I may invoke the sub-actor by:

myBetterActor ! 2
myBetterActor ! "a"

Problems with my implementation:

When I create an instance of the sub-actor, only then I can mix in the base-actor, either directly (1) or by defining a new class that mixes in the base-actor.

Like I said before, I would prefer to mix in the base-actor when I define the sub-actor. Not when I try to create an instance of the sub-actor.

P.S. It's fascinating that the designers of this framework did not see it necessary to make this common requirement easy to accomplish.


  • i suppose as long as you're not trying to override behavior with BetterActor, you could try something like this:

    trait BetterActor extends Actor {
      override def unhandled(message: Any): Unit = message match {
        case e: CommonMessage => println("COMMON!")
        case e => super.unhandled(e)
    class MyActor extends BetterActor {
      override def receive = {
        case i: Int => println(s"Yay!!! Got $i")