Search code examples

Trim Decimal Places from Numbers in a Text Editor

I have a set of SVG definition exported from Inkspace and as anyone who has done this themselves will know the resulting definition often contains far more accuracy that is actually justified. For example for a 32 x32 icon definition shown below, Inkspace has generated 6 (or more!) decimal places of accuracy per pixel. Now I know that means it will scale but in my case I would rather save space in my app which requires input of hundreds of such icon definitions.

<svg width="32" height="32"><path d="M 14.576172 5.453125 L 13.78125 8.8222656 L 12.464844 9.3691406 L 9.5625 7.5898438 L 7.5898438 9.5351562 L 9.3691406 12.576172 L 8.8222656 13.78125 L 5.4785156 14.630859 L 5.4785156 17.369141 L 8.8496094 18.246094 L 9.3691406 19.507812 L 7.5625 22.464844 L 9.5351562 24.410156 L 12.548828 22.658203 L 13.808594 23.177734 L 14.603516 26.494141 L 17.396484 26.521484 L 18.191406 23.177734 L 19.505859 22.658203 L 22.410156 24.410156 L 24.355469 22.410156 L 22.658203 19.451172 L 23.150391 18.191406 L 26.492188 17.369141 L 26.492188 14.630859 L 23.123047 13.726562 L 22.630859 12.521484 L 24.410156 9.5351562 L 22.410156 7.5898438 L 19.451172 9.3417969 L 18.246094 8.8222656 L 17.396484 5.453125 L 14.576172 5.453125 z M 15.984375 12.082031 A 3.9078221 3.9078221 0 0 1 19.892578 15.988281 A 3.9078221 3.9078221 0 0 1 15.984375 19.896484 A 3.9078221 3.9078221 0 0 1 12.078125 15.988281 A 3.9078221 3.9078221 0 0 1 15.984375 12.082031 Z" fill="#f9f9f9" /></svg>

So my question is how can I trim the definitions using a text editor to say 2 decimal places.

I have found that by using TextWrangler with the following grep search and replace string


that I can search for all 6 decimal places strings and replace them with 2 decimal places. Then I can change the search and replace to


and then to


and finally to


and this works.

However if someone with slightly (or a lot) more brain pixels than me, could show me how to do all of the above with just one search and replace operation, I would be very happy.


  • To remove the unwanted precision from the (bash or shell) command line, try:

    sed -E 's/([[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]{2})[[:digit:]]+/\1/g' file.svg

    To change the file in place (Linux),

    sed -i.bak -E 's/([[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]{2})[[:digit:]]+/\1/g' file.svg

    Or OSX:

    sed -i .bak -E 's/([[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]{2})[[:digit:]]+/\1/g' file.svg

    How it works

    This looks for any place where there is a digit, followed by a period, followed by two digits, followed by some number of more digits:


    The first digit, period, and two following digits are in parens. This saves them to group 1 which we use as the replacement text.


    Your input file:

    $ cat >file.svg
    <svg width="32" height="32"><path d="M 14.576172 5.453125 L 13.78125 8.8222656 L 12.464844 9.3691406 L 9.5625 7.5898438 L 7.5898438 9.5351562 L 9.3691406 12.576172 L 8.8222656 13.78125 L 5.4785156 14.630859 L 5.4785156 17.369141 L 8.8496094 18.246094 L 9.3691406 19.507812 L 7.5625 22.464844 L 9.5351562 24.410156 L 12.548828 22.658203 L 13.808594 23.177734 L 14.603516 26.494141 L 17.396484 26.521484 L 18.191406 23.177734 L 19.505859 22.658203 L 22.410156 24.410156 L 24.355469 22.410156 L 22.658203 19.451172 L 23.150391 18.191406 L 26.492188 17.369141 L 26.492188 14.630859 L 23.123047 13.726562 L 22.630859 12.521484 L 24.410156 9.5351562 L 22.410156 7.5898438 L 19.451172 9.3417969 L 18.246094 8.8222656 L 17.396484 5.453125 L 14.576172 5.453125 z M 15.984375 12.082031 A 3.9078221 3.9078221 0 0 1 19.892578 15.988281 A 3.9078221 3.9078221 0 0 1 15.984375 19.896484 A 3.9078221 3.9078221 0 0 1 12.078125 15.988281 A 3.9078221 3.9078221 0 0 1 15.984375 12.082031 Z" fill="#f9f9f9" /></svg>

    Our command:

    $ sed -E 's/([[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]{2})[[:digit:]]+/\1/g' file.svg 
    <svg width="32" height="32"><path d="M 14.57 5.45 L 13.78 8.82 L 12.46 9.36 L 9.56 7.58 L 7.58 9.53 L 9.36 12.57 L 8.82 13.78 L 5.47 14.63 L 5.47 17.36 L 8.84 18.24 L 9.36 19.50 L 7.56 22.46 L 9.53 24.41 L 12.54 22.65 L 13.80 23.17 L 14.60 26.49 L 17.39 26.52 L 18.19 23.17 L 19.50 22.65 L 22.41 24.41 L 24.35 22.41 L 22.65 19.45 L 23.15 18.19 L 26.49 17.36 L 26.49 14.63 L 23.12 13.72 L 22.63 12.52 L 24.41 9.53 L 22.41 7.58 L 19.45 9.34 L 18.24 8.82 L 17.39 5.45 L 14.57 5.45 z M 15.98 12.08 A 3.90 3.90 0 0 1 19.89 15.98 A 3.90 3.90 0 0 1 15.98 19.89 A 3.90 3.90 0 0 1 12.07 15.98 A 3.90 3.90 0 0 1 15.98 12.08 Z" fill="#f9f9f9" /></svg>