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NgRX store select returns store state instead of data

I'm trying to implement ngrx v4 to my angular project and struggling with getting data from ngrx store. I wrote Actions, Reducer and Effects based on provided api documentation on github page and it seems to me everything is correct but instead of data I get store State like this:

enter image description here

So I appreciate if somebody could help me to figure out where my mistake is. Thanks in advance. My code below


export interface Category {
  id?: number;
  name: string;
  used: boolean;


import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import {Category} from '../categories';

export const GET_CATEGORIES  = '[Category] Get data';
export const GET_CATEGORIES_ERROR = '[Category] Get data error';
export const GET_CATEGORIES_SUCCESS  = '[Category] Get data success ';

export class GetCategories implements Action {
  readonly type = GET_CATEGORIES;
export class GetCategoriesError implements Action {
  readonly type = GET_CATEGORIES_ERROR;
export class GetCategoriesSuccess implements Action {
  readonly type = GET_CATEGORIES_SUCCESS;
  constructor(public payload: Category[]) { }

export type All = GetCategories | GetCategoriesSuccess | GetCategoriesError


import * as CategoriesActions from './categories.actions';
import {Category} from '../categories';

export type Action = CategoriesActions.All;

export function categoriesReducer (state: Category[], action: Action) {

  switch (action.type) {

    case CategoriesActions.GET_CATEGORIES: {
      return state;

    case CategoriesActions.GET_CATEGORIES_ERROR: {
      return state;

    case CategoriesActions.GET_CATEGORIES_SUCCESS: {
      return action.payload;

    default: {
      return state;


import {CategoriesService} from './categories.service';

export class CategoriesEffects {

  @Effect() getCategories$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
    .mergeMap(action => this.categoriesService.getCategories()
      .map(data => ({type: 'GET_CATEGORIES_SUCCESS', payload: data }))
      .catch(() => of({ type: 'GET_CATEGORIES_ERROR', payload: {message: 'Oops something is wrong'} }))

    private actions$: Actions,
    private categoriesService: CategoriesService
  ) {}


interface CategoryState {
  categories: Category[]

  selector: 'app-categories',
  templateUrl: './categories.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./categories.component.css'],

export class CategoriesComponent implements OnInit {

  categories$: Observable<Category[]>;

  constructor(private store: Store<CategoryState>) {

    console.log(this.categories$) // undefined

    this.categories$ ='categories');

    console.log(this.categories$) // store state

  ngOnInit() {

  getCategories () {{ type: 'GET_CATEGORIES' });


  imports: [
    StoreModule.forRoot({ categories: categoriesReducer }),
  declarations: [ CategoriesComponent ],
  providers:    [ CategoriesService ],
  entryComponents: []
export class CategoriesModule {}


  • Since you are using ngrx/store : 4.1

    • You should have a reducer factory to inject the reducers to the StoreModule

      import {ActionReducerMap} from '@ngrx/store';
      import {Category} from '../categories';
      import * as categoryReducer from './categories.reducer';
      export interface CategoryState {
        categories: Category[]
      export interface AppStates {
        categoryState: CategoryState;
      export const categoryReducers: ActionReducerMap<AppStates> = {
        categoryState: categoryReducer.reducer
    • Use the reducer factory to inject into the module as below,

      import {categoryReducers} from './store/categories.reducer.factory';
    • Your constructor should take the AppStates as the type for Store as

      constructor(private store: Store<AppStates>){}
    • And your effect should use be

      getCategories$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
          .mergeMap(action => this.categoriesService.getCategories()
                .map(data => ({type: CategoriesActions.GET_CATEGORIES_SUCCESS, payload: data }))
                .catch(() => of({ type: CategoriesActions.GET_CATEGORIES_ERROR, payload: {message: 'Oops something is wrong'} }))