I made a PyQt5 QWebengine app i wanna make portable. I found out that flash weren't working in the app. After a lot of reading i found out that having pepflashplayer64_*.dll & manifest.json in folder
C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\ is working.
However i wanna ship the pepflashplayer with app, and adding custom flash folder to PATH env var, do not have effect , or sys.path.insert()
the command
myapp.py --ppapi-flash-path=C:\Flash\pepflashplayer64_27_0_0_187.dll
works , but how to pass extra augments internally when script is launched ?
i tried dirty hack to run sys.arg[0] script with extra command but no success.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# print sys.argv
flash = (' --ppapi-flash-path=C:\Flash\pepflashplayer64_27_0_0_187.dll').split()
# print flash
noooo = (sys.argv[0] + flash[0]).split()
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(noooo)
# ... the rest of your handling: `sys.exit(app.exec_())`, etc.
okay i got it to work so i can make app the app with browser portable , and solution was simpler than i thought. Parsing second internal argument like this.
if __name__ == "__main__":
programname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) #get current script full folder path
pepperpflash = ' --ppapi-flash-path=' + programname + '/Flash/pepflashplayer64_27_0_0_187.dll'
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv + [pepperpflash])
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
# ... the rest of your handling: `sys.exit(app.exec_())`, etc.