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Summary for the a specific branch

I have a tensorflow graph that has a complicated loss function for the training, but a simpler one for evaluation (they share ancestors). Essentially this

train_op = ... (needs more things in feed_dict etc.)
acc = .... (just needs one value for placeholer)

to better understand what's going on, I added summaries. But calling

merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

and then

(summ, acc) =[merged, acc_eval], feed_dict={..})

tensorflow complains that values for placeholders are missing.


  • As far as I understand your question, to summary a specific tensorflow operation, you should run it specifically.

    For example:

    # define accuracy ops
    correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(Y, axis=1), tf.argmax(Y_labels, axis=1))  
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, dtype=tf.float32))  
    # summary_accuracy is the Summary protocol buffer you need to run, 
    # instead of merge_all(), if you want to summary specific ops
    summary_accuracy = tf.summary.scalar('testing_accuracy', accuracy) 
    # define writer file
    test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('log/test', sess.graph)
    (summ, acc) =[summary_accuracy, accuracy], feed_dict={..})

    Also, you can use tf.summary.merge(), which is documented here.
    Hope this help !