Here is my problem.
I am using LiveCharts to display some data. Everything fine until showing the legend which represents all the data displayed.
Is it possibile to show a legend based on for example color(Stroke) or DefaultGeometries?
Thanks in advance for your help,
I know this is a little late but I was looking to do something similar, so here is what I was able to come up with.
You would need to create a new collection and follow the example for Live Charts Energy Predictions.
First you need to set the LegendLocation="None" for the Chart
<wpf:CartesianChart Hoverable="False" DataTooltip="{x:Null}" DisableAnimations="True" LegendLocation="None" Series="{Binding AllSeries, ElementName=FastGraphRoot}">
New Legend Code (part that matters in .xaml):
<ListBox Name="ListBox" MinHeight="250" ItemsSource="{Binding AllSeriesGroupByName, ElementName=FastGraphRoot}" Panel.ZIndex="1" BorderThickness="0" Background="Transparent">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type wpf:LineSeries}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}"
Foreground="{Binding Stroke}"
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
<ContentPresenter />
The Binded list would come from the original series but grouped, I have used a property for this:
private SeriesCollection _allSeriesGroupByName = new SeriesCollection();
public SeriesCollection AllSeriesGroupByName { get { return _allSeriesGroupByName; } set { _allSeriesGroupByName = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } }
you could fill it simply with this code(or anything else you think is faster):
var col = collection.GroupBy(g => ((LineSeries)g).Stroke).Select(p => p.First());
AllSeriesGroupByName = new SeriesCollection();
foreach (var c in col)