I have a commit that has changes to 100 files. I want to split that commit to 100 commits with one commit by filename.
Currently I do git rebase -i <startpoint>
then mark the commit I want to edit with e
and reset HEAD^1
followed by series of git add && git commit -m <filename>
. This becomes tedious with multiple files.
Preferably in one line of bash without scripts. Also it should be readable enough for memorization.
Update: Ended up using ElpieKay's solution with
git reset HEAD^ --soft
git diff --cached --name-only --relative | while read f; do git commit -m "$f" -- "$f"; done
Suppose it is the last commit and the commit id is abc123
git reset abc123 --hard
git reset abc123^ --soft
git diff --cached --name-only | while read f;do git commit -m "$f" -- "$f";done
If anything goes wrong, run git reset abc123 --hard
to restore.