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VSTS Node API - can't use the Identities API

I'm having some trouble with the VSTS Node Api - specifically, the Identities API.

I've already successfully used the Git API to perform actions like retrieving a list of repositories:

// From ./functions/functions.js
module.exports.getRepos = async function (vstsWebApi) {
  var gitApi = vstsWebApi.getGitApi();
  var repos = await gitApi.getRepositories();
  return repos;

Then, elsewhere, the following works as expected and the object representing the Git repositories is logged to the console:

let funcs = require("./functions/functions.js");
let vsts = require("vso-node-api");
let accessTokenPromise = VSS.getAccessToken();

accessTokenPromise.then(token => {
  let bearerHandler = vsts.getBearerHandler(token.token);
  let collectionUri = VSS.getWebContext().collection.uri;
  let connect = new vsts.WebApi(collectionUri, bearerHandler);
  let apiCallPromise = funcs.getRepos(connect);
    result => {

However, if I try to do something similar and use the Identities API to listGroups:

module.exports.getGroups = async function (vstsWebApi) {
  var identitiesApi = vstsWebApi.getIdentitiesApi();
  var groups = await identitiesApi.listGroups();
  return groups;

Changing the promise to getGroups instead of getRepos...

let apiCallPromise= funcs.getGroups(connect);
  result => {

...I get this error:

Error: Failed to find api location for area: IMS id: 5966283b-4196-4d57-9211-1b68f41ec1c2

I'm trying this on my personal VSTS account, so I should be the owner/Administrator - and I'd expect a different error if my access was denied via a permissions issue. I've tried different values for the collectionUri, like including the project name ( but that doesn't work either. I've also tried other Identities API calls, such as getSelf, with the same result.


  • I submit a feedback here: Identities API in VSTS-Node-API preview version, you can vote and follow it.