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This code compress a SQL file to zip using Php. I need to set password for the zip file produced

This code helps to make SQL file to a zip file in Php.

Here a SQL file is compressed to a zip file.

All I need is to set password for this.

Can I use PHP-java bridge to make this happen?

function dumpOutput() { 
    if (!class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
        return array();
    return array('zip' => 'ZIP');

function _zip($string, $state) {
    // ZIP can be created without temporary file by gzcompress - see PEAR File_Archive
    $this->data .= $string;
    if ($state & PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END) {
        $zip = new ZipArchive;
        $zipFile = tempnam("", "zip");
        $zip->open($zipFile, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); // php://output is not supported
        $zip->addFromString($this->filename, $this->data);
        $return = file_get_contents($zipFile);  
        return $return;
    return "";


  • It seems that the ZipArchive Class doesn't support password setting. It only supports to open a password protected zip file.

    See the following page for more details.