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MongoDB not move chunks to new shard in sharding cluster

I am running mongodb for storage data. The MongoDB cluster have 3 shards, each shard have 3 server replica-set, 2 mongos and 3 config server. Each server have 1TB for storage. Now, all 2 of 3 shards have data about 90% capacity. When I add a new shard, MongoDB not move any chunks from olds shard to new one. I checked mongos sharding status. It shows that. MongoDB baclancer is running.

mongos> db.printShardingStatus()
--- Sharding Status --- 
  sharding version: {
	"_id" : 1,
	"minCompatibleVersion" : 5,
	"currentVersion" : 6,
	"clusterId" : ObjectId("59c0ef31619ac70cb8ac5f5c")
	{  "_id" : "rs0",  "host" : "rs0/,,",  "state" : 1,  "maxSize" : 990000 }
	{  "_id" : "rs1",  "host" : "rs1/,,",  "state" : 1,  "maxSize" : 990000 }
	{  "_id" : "rs2",  "host" : "rs2/,,",  "state" : 1,  "maxSize" : 990000 }
	{  "_id" : "rs3",  "host" : "rs3/,,",  "state" : 1,  "maxSize" : 990000 }
  active mongoses:
	"3.4.9" : 1
	Currently enabled: yes
	Currently enabled:  yes
	Currently running:  yes
		Balancer lock taken at Wed Sep 20 2017 09:21:43 GMT+0700 by ConfigServer:Balancer
	Collections with active migrations: 
		fbgroups.comments started at Wed Nov 22 2017 22:36:15 GMT+0700
	Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts:  0
	Migration Results for the last 24 hours: 
		No recent migrations
	{  "_id" : "fbpages",  "primary" : "rs0",  "partitioned" : true }
			shard key: { "CommentFbId" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	6263
				rs1	6652
				rs2	6175
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
			shard key: { "PageFbId" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	23
				rs1	23
				rs2	23
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
			shard key: { "PostFbId" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	11931
				rs1	11847
				rs2	5043
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
	{  "_id" : "fbgroups",  "primary" : "rs0",  "partitioned" : true }
			shard key: { "CommentFbId" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	6451
				rs1	6451
				rs2	4742
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
			shard key: { "GroupId" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	3
				rs1	3
				rs2	3
			{ "GroupId" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "GroupId" : "1391082767860588" } on : rs2 Timestamp(7, 0) 
			{ "GroupId" : "1391082767860588" } -->> { "GroupId" : "1564129037230139" } on : rs0 Timestamp(7, 1) 
			{ "GroupId" : "1564129037230139" } -->> { "GroupId" : "172020656162023" } on : rs0 Timestamp(4, 0) 
			{ "GroupId" : "172020656162023" } -->> { "GroupId" : "244621675585655" } on : rs0 Timestamp(5, 0) 
			{ "GroupId" : "244621675585655" } -->> { "GroupId" : "375231932588613" } on : rs2 Timestamp(6, 0) 
			{ "GroupId" : "375231932588613" } -->> { "GroupId" : "506856652708047" } on : rs2 Timestamp(8, 0) 
			{ "GroupId" : "506856652708047" } -->> { "GroupId" : "67046218160" } on : rs1 Timestamp(8, 1) 
			{ "GroupId" : "67046218160" } -->> { "GroupId" : "878610618830881" } on : rs1 Timestamp(1, 7) 
			{ "GroupId" : "878610618830881" } -->> { "GroupId" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : rs1 Timestamp(1, 8) 
			shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
			unique: false
			balancing: true
				rs0	91
				rs1	482
				rs2	91
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
			shard key: { "PostFbId" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	26015
				rs1	26092
				rs2	6526
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
	{  "_id" : "test",  "primary" : "rs1",  "partitioned" : true }
	{  "_id" : "intership",  "primary" : "rs1",  "partitioned" : false }
	{  "_id" : "fbhashtags",  "primary" : "rs2",  "partitioned" : true }
			shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
			unique: false
			balancing: true
				rs0	2
				rs1	2
				rs2	2
			{ "_id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("58f122ff7fe5fb4520b4185a") } on : rs0 Timestamp(2, 0) 
			{ "_id" : ObjectId("58f122ff7fe5fb4520b4185a") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("58fac0537fe5fb051d0749de") } on : rs1 Timestamp(3, 0) 
			{ "_id" : ObjectId("58fac0537fe5fb051d0749de") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("5906119e7fe5fb2c7d9d41e9") } on : rs0 Timestamp(4, 0) 
			{ "_id" : ObjectId("5906119e7fe5fb2c7d9d41e9") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("591012257fe5fb70dc9e49bf") } on : rs1 Timestamp(5, 0) 
			{ "_id" : ObjectId("591012257fe5fb70dc9e49bf") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("5918b5d77fe5fb2feb06338a") } on : rs2 Timestamp(5, 1) 
			{ "_id" : ObjectId("5918b5d77fe5fb2feb06338a") } -->> { "_id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : rs2 Timestamp(1, 5) 
			shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
			unique: false
			balancing: true
				rs2	1
			{ "_id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "_id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : rs2 Timestamp(1, 0) 
	{  "_id" : "fbprofiles",  "primary" : "rs2",  "partitioned" : true }
			shard key: { "commentFbId" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	18
				rs1	18
				rs2	19
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
			shard key: { "postFbId" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	7
				rs1	7
				rs2	3144
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
			shard key: { "baseUrl" : 1 }
			unique: true
			balancing: true
				rs0	2
				rs1	2
				rs2	141
			too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
	{  "_id" : "testnewfb",  "primary" : "rs2",  "partitioned" : false }
	{  "_id" : "news_images",  "primary" : "rs2",  "partitioned" : false }
	{  "_id" : "social_index",  "primary" : "rs2",  "partitioned" : false }
	{  "_id" : "twitter",  "primary" : "rs2",  "partitioned" : true }
	{  "_id" : "techmeme",  "primary" : "rs2",  "partitioned" : false }

Why MongoDB does not move data to new shard (rs3) Thanks!


  • I found my problem in my case. That is 1 of three Mongo config servers does not configure correctly all host. I changed /etc/hosts and stepDown() the primary config server and I see it working correctly. It consume lots of time. I abuse that when the server crash by electric, it cannot recover from previous state.