I am currently using Charts cocoapod
and I can't figure out how to implement the following functionality: when selecting a DataEntry
from HorizontalBarChartDatSet
I want to highlight it by just changing the borderColor
of the bar. Is this possible with the current version of the pod and if not, can you please at least give me some information regarding where to look at in order to override this functionality?
At the moment I am able to highlight the DataEntry
like this:
dataSet.highlightColor = UIColor.lightGray
dataSet.highlightAlpha = 1
However, I want to only make a border around the selected DataEntry
not change its color.
I have already overriden the library for few specific functionalities but cannot seem to be able to figure this one out.
Thank you in advance!
As I know, the current version of the Chart library has no properties for highlight border around a selected bar. But you could inherit your own class from BarChartRenderer
class, override function drawHighlighted(context: indices:)
and use an instance of your new renderer class as custom renderer for your chart.
Custom renderer class:
class MyBarChartRenderer: BarChartRenderer {
// New properties for the border
var highlightBorderColor: UIColor = .red
var highlightBorderWidth: CGFloat = 2
open override func drawHighlighted(context: CGContext, indices: [Highlight])
let dataProvider = dataProvider,
let barData = dataProvider.barData
else { return }
var barRect = CGRect()
for high in indices
let set = barData.getDataSetByIndex(high.dataSetIndex) as? IBarChartDataSet,
else { continue }
if let e = set.entryForXValue(high.x, closestToY: high.y) as? BarChartDataEntry
let trans = dataProvider.getTransformer(forAxis: set.axisDependency)
// Setting color and width for the border
let isStack = high.stackIndex >= 0 && e.isStacked
let y1: Double
let y2: Double
if isStack
if dataProvider.isHighlightFullBarEnabled
y1 = e.positiveSum
y2 = -e.negativeSum
let range = e.ranges?[high.stackIndex]
y1 = range?.from ?? 0.0
y2 = range?.to ?? 0.0
y1 = e.y
y2 = 0.0
prepareBarHighlight(x: e.x, y1: y1, y2: y2, barWidthHalf: barData.barWidth / 2.0, trans: trans, rect: &barRect)
// Drawing the border
Using of new renderer:
myBarChartView.renderer = MyBarChartRenderer(
dataProvider: self.barChartView,
animator: self.barChartView.chartAnimator,
viewPortHandler: self.barChartView.viewPortHandler)
And result: